《冬日巴黎》The Winter of Paris,一部lilyma马莉的散文小说。
"The Winter of Paris" is a prose novel by lilyma, a filmmaker who is passionate about painting and music. Exhausted by years of entrepreneurship in the Beijing film industry, she yearns for the freedom of creation and the soul. However, when her best friend suddenly dies, she begins to reflect on whether her life has deviated from her true intentions.
This reflection leads her to change the course of her life, dedicating herself to art and love. Over the course of eight months, she encounters various people and experiences in Paris, Mulhouse, Beijing, and Bangkok...
2019.8.18 lilyma 马莉
Story&Artwork details
我们需要坐船去滨海拉塞纳(La Seyne-Sur-Mer)小镇,那里有一片温暖的勒萨布雷(Les Sablettes)海滩。法国南部,除了2007年我去过尼斯戛纳电影节之外,这是第二次。南法的天极蓝,普罗旺斯蔚蓝海岸,透着地中海气候的暖,而我感觉有点发凉。When we arrive in Toulon, we need to take a boat to the coastal town of La Seyne-Sur-Mer, where there is a warm beach called Les Sablettes.This is my second time in the south of France, apart from attending the Cannes Film Festival in 2007. The sky in the south of France is extremely blue. Not sad blue but Happy Provence Blue. The Provence coastline is a beautiful shade of blue, with a warm Mediterranean climate. However, I feel a bit chilly.
展出地点:法国巴黎 卢浮宫卡鲁塞尔艺术中心(10月21日至23日)Art Shopping Carrousel du Louvre(21/23 october)
颁奖典礼:2022年10月22日,巴黎玛莱区的中心画廊 October 22th, 2022, in the Art Gallery, located in the heart of Marais – Paris
I've realized that I have a Chinese stomach. After being abroad for a week, I've developed a strong desire and dissatisfaction, which is quite troublesome. I went to a local market once, but it was troublesome to buy groceries, and there weren't many options. It's not my own kitchen, so I feel so unsure when it comes to cooking.
Performers, even when off-key, sing with such joy that it feels more like entertainment than a performance.
I think it's great that singing and performing can also be a form of self-entertainment, just being themselves.
The performers are so happy. Infect me with your happiness.
《橘园》Musee De I’Orangerie
In my left ear is the narration of the paintings. In my right ear, I have his wireless earphones plugged in. He's playing me his favorite music, in their language. I'm looking at Renoir, Monet, and Van Gogh, And he's watching me from behind.
(lilyma): Salut . tu es beau . Aime moi? 【法语大意:你好,你好帅,可以爱我吗?!】
我这一生也就是为情所困了罢 【Tis my life, I think... to be lost in love】
能爱是一种能力,会爱是另一种能力 【To love is an ability, but to know how to love is an enablement 】