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Alain Kuropatwa

作家相片: BellamindBellamind


Alain Kuropatwa

Partner/ Art consultant

Alain Kuropatwa is an influential figure in the art world, particularly recognized for his contributions to the authentication and management of artistic heritage. He is best known for co-inventing the "artwork identity card" in 1994, a patented system aimed at improving the traceability and authenticity of artistic works. This helped to strengthen security and credibility in the art market.

Kuropatwa also served as president of the Association for Private Ownership of Works of Art (A3P) and vice-president of the International Council of Art Collectors, thus strengthening his central role in the management of private artistic heritage. Currently, he is the publishing director of **Art-Trends** magazine, a platform specializing in trends and analyzes of the art market.

In addition to its publishing and expertise activities, it collaborates with laboratories specializing in art analysis, such as LT and LAE-Airbus Aérospatiale in Bordeaux, as part of research projects linked to emblematic figures like Goya and Brancusi.

阿兰·库罗帕特瓦(Alain Kuropatwa)是艺术界的一位重要人物,特别因其在艺术遗产的鉴定与管理方面的贡献而受到广泛认可。他最为人知的是于1994年共同发明的“艺术品身份证”,这是一种旨在提高艺术品可追溯性和真实性的专利系统,帮助增强了艺术市场的安全性和可信度。


除了出版和专业活动外,他还与专注于艺术分析的实验室合作,如位于波尔多的LT和LAE-Airbus Aérospatiale,参与与戈雅和布朗库西等标志性人物相关的研究项目。

About lilyma’s Art:

Cataloging art? The history of art merges with that of the societies in which it finds its origin. This is partly true, for the decor. But never forget that creation remains an essentially individual process. lilyma’s work resembles her: a woman with a thousand facets, both unique and multiple, an actress, she is her own spectacle on the stage of life. A curiosity about things in the world, a cultural richness, and an appetite for research to understand each other...a total work of implementation of what it is, without complacency, to best respond to the principle of Wisdom "Know you yourself". lilyma is a total artist Poet, painter, musician, ...and director.. The two names of 20th century Western art? Picasso and Matisse In China, lilyma could be their heiress.

编目艺术?艺术史与它所在的社会的历史融为一体。 对于装饰来说,这部分是正确的。 但永远不要忘记,创造本质上仍然是一个个人的过程。

lilyma马莉的作品很像她本人:一个千面的女人,既独特又多重,一个女演员,她是自己人生舞台上的奇观。 对世界事物的好奇心,文化的丰富性,以及对研究以了解彼此的渴望......全面实施它的工作,毫不自满,最好地回应“了解你自己”的智慧原则lilyma 是个十足的艺术家 诗人、画家、音乐家……和导演……


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