Marché de l'Art et Découverte de l'Art
It smells so good, the roses smell so good. I’ve cut so many branches, but there are still so many on the trees. And the wild roses are about to bloom too. This European roses should be called ‘Johnson’, it doesn’t climb much, but it looks great in a ultramarine vase. I think I have about ten different types of roses in my garden. There are also many paintings of roses. Here is just a part of it. It’s not saying, roses is my favorite flower, but it’s easy to take care of, blooms every month, also can survive the northern winter. Some flowers only bloom for one or two seasons. The Zinnias will burst into bloom at the end of summer, and they are also painted a lot. I already have a lot of flowers, both in pots and in the ground. There are also many flowers, plants and trees around where I living. I keep painting, painting about flowers. No matter when, I feel like I’m living in a garden.
2023.5.5 Morning lilyma⻢莉
Wild roses have a slightly spicy fragrance, very light anddelicate. I placed various types of roses and wild roses on my desk,each with a slightly different but similar scent.Rose thorns are large and hard, while wild rose thorns are smalland hooked, not seductive hooks, but barbed hooks. I always getscratched by it, with several jagged scars left behind. Roses onlyleave me some small holes.Looking at the colorful flowers, they will soon wither and bereplaced by new ones. The only constant is the breathtaking vitalityof each flower when it is in bud, which is unforgettable.During the flowering season, my hands and arms always getnew scratches on top of old ones, but I cannot stop myself frompicking flowers. Like this morning, when I brought in these twosmall roses with orange and pink and Light magenta. I cut them offwith my nails, one by one (should I cut my nails into a sawtoothshape?).I do this to avoid being too rough and dropping other flowers,and also to protect the flowers I want to pick.
2022.5.18 Afternoon lilyma⻢莉
I rushed out without combing my hair, carrying a basket andbreaking branches on my way.The roses have bloomed, with red petals falling on greenbranches.A passerby asked if I picked them to add to my beauty. I smiledat her and said nothing.I carved the good times in my heart, like a painting frozen intime.I cherish the memories of my carefree youth, but now I feel theweight of life’s sorrows in my songs.Life is like a play, and time passes by without us realizing it.Today, I play with my dog and admire the flowers, sighing for thedeep love I once had.
2021.5.15 Morning lilyma⻢莉