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作家相片lilyma Studio

《杏花正开时》The apricot blossom is in full bloom


The apricot blossom is in full bloom

作品 Artwork:《杏花正开时》The apricot blossom is in full bloom

系列 Series:《禁闭的时间》The quarantine time

材料Material: 丙烯画布 Acrylic on canvas

尺寸Size: 200x100cm/150x100cm/60x60cm/100x200cm/100x200cm

创作日期 Date:2020-2021

绘画 Artist:lilyma马莉

音乐 Music:《新月调》2017版 Crescent Moon 2017

作曲 Compose: Paolo Marcuzzi (法)

作词 Lyrics/演唱 Song: lilyma马莉

剪辑 Edit: 许臣斌 Sandy Xu

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